
A Master Duel. Part 1

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It's been year's since Master Knawl has discovered the Gralls and was wondering, are they just as strong, stronger, or weaker? With that question running through his mind, He decided to find out by entering the world of the Gralls and challenge the Mistress Grall.

Master Knawl- Sonya, Drakid, Gana. Approach me.

a few minutes later, the three loyal generals entered the room.

Generals- What is it, Master?

Master Knawl- I believe that I have found a way to enter the world of the Gralls.

Sonya and Drakid- Gralls?

Gana- Sweet, I get to meet Bessilask again.

Sonya and Drakid- ( look's at him )

Gana- Um...because I wish to kill her. Yeah that's it.

Master Knawl- No, there shall be no killing. I am going to the world of the gralls and ask their leader for a duel.

Drakid- A duel!? But we still have no idea what powers they have!

Sonya- Well come to think of it, they are like us so they might be equal.

Master Knawl- That could be true but shall see. ( opens a portal and climbs in as the generals followed )

Meanwhile in the universe of the Gralls, Mistress Grall was looking into her world mirror to examine other worlds and then her second in command, Samuel walked in and offered her some type of slug-like creature in a stone platter.

Samuel- Mistess, Your dinner is served. ( holds out the platter )

Mistress Grall- Why thank you, Sameul. ( grabs the slug and swallows it alive )

Samuel- Does it please you?

Mistress grall- Indeed. ( pat's him on the head then suddenly, her world mirror began to shine brightly and right when that happened, Mistress grall's other generals arrived.

Mandicoris- ( covers her eyes ) What's happening!?

Bessilask- I don't know but man I am lucky to have eye lids!!!

Master Knawl- ( from the mirror ) I am terribly sorry for entering your world, Mistress.

Mistress- W-who are you?!

The Mirror shined no more, And Master Knawl and his generals were in the room.

Master Knawl- I'm Master Knawl.

The gralls were at shock to see his pressance while Bessilask was looking at gana.

Bessilask- Hey Gana! ( waves hello )

Gana- Hey. ( waves back with a blush )

Drakid- ( smacks him upside the head )

Gana- OW!

Mandicoris- ( smacks bessilask behind the head )

Bessilask- Ouchie!

Drakid and Mandicoris- Could you get this serious!? ( look's at each other )

Mistress Grall- Silence you four! What do you want, Master Knawl?

Master Knawl- You see, Mistress, I realized that both our races have much in common.

Mistress Grall- Oh? ( raises an eye brow )

Master Knawl- Well for starters, We are both born from the evils of human nature and we hate music.

Mistress Grall- Really?

Master Knawl- Really. I came here to ask a fine lady as yourself for a duel.

Mistress Grall- A duel? It's been awhile since I fought.

Samuel- You can beat him, Mistress. No one is surpassed your own.

Sonya- Wow, that Grall over there sounds just like me.

Master Knawl- Indeed he does. But I will explain it later.

Mandicoris- Explain what?

Master Knawl- I said, later! Now let's begin. ( creates a portal ) Madam first.

Mistress Grall- ( walks toward the portal but Mandicoris and Samuel stopped her )

Mandicoris- Don't do it, Mistress!

Samuel- We don't know these creatures, it could be a trap!

Mistress Grall- that's a risk, I am willing to take. ( walks in )

Master Knawl- Come along you six, your going to witness a great battle. ( walks in )

Samuel- ( look's at Sonya ) I don't know who you are, but if your master kill's ours, You will be the first to face our wrath.

Sonya- Funny, I was going to do that to YOU if our Master get's killed.

Gana and Bessilask- R-r-r-romance! X3

Sonya and Samuel- SHUT UP!!! ( enters the portal )

As the other's followed, they ended up in some other dimension were there was no sky, no ground, just nothing.

Master Knawl- This here is were there will be no body can bother us and no advantages for either side.

Mistress Grall- Hmm ( smiles ) that's very generous of you.

Master Knawl- Why thank you, now. ( pull's a Doa sword with a red cloth attached to the handle from his side )

Mistress Grall- A doa sword huh? Mostly used by the ming warriors.

Master Knawl- ( smiles ) Thanks. It's a personal favorite of mine.

Mistress Grall- ( chuckles ) Let me show you, My personal favorite. (pull's a ILD sword with blue diamonds encrusted on the handle from her back )

Master Knawl- Used by the Mongols.

Mistess Grall- Correct.

Gana- ( bored ) Ugh! I thought this was a fight! Not a history lesson.

Bessilask- Yeah, this is borring.

Mandicora- Shhh! Pay your respects to our masters!

Drakid- They're just admiring one's favorite weapons.

Mandicora- That Bessilask can be such a ding bat at times.

Drakid- Gana is the same I mean, he has two heads but he doesn't have enough brain power.

Gana and Bessilask- We heard that!!

Master Knawl- So, Mistress. Shall we begin?

Mistress Grall- Yes. At the same time?

Master Knawl- You know it. ( his sword admitted his red Vinonzl were red spirits moaned in agony flew around the blade )

Mistress Grall- ( Her sword admitted a yellow energy were yellow spirits flew around the sword )

the two stared at eachother, waiting for the right moment to attack. Then, at the last second, they both charged at eachother and clashed their blades causing a huge red and yellow explosion.
Dang, it's been a while since I wrote anything about the Gralls. Let's see who will win this fight.

All of these characters belong to me
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